Sun Deva comparison
Here are two photos of the same or two similar Devas taken two days apart, fig.1 shows the Deva in portrait while fig.2 shows the Deva in profile.Both images show clearly a light blue central body with orange auric wings, note the uneven quality of the orange auric wings in fig.1 suggesting a movement of flowing energy possibly affected by atmospheric conditions.
A beautiful sunset – 231006 close up 1 001
Here's the Sun Deva in portrait from fig 1, He's looking straight at the camera, as if he's fully aware of my presence. Who knows maybe he's saying "Hello".
New view Sunday surprise – 221006 close up 1 034
Here is the Sun Deva in profile from fig 2, in the context of the environment he was captured in. He is flying facing towards the right, near a group of trees just in front of a main road (Clapham road, London). There are many other faeries of a similar class flying around the trees, mainly to the top left. The others are white and blue in colour and slightly less defined in appearance, as a result they not as easy to appreciate as the Sun Deva in the centre of the picture.
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