Full Meaning:
Your Guardian Angel has been
with you since you took your first breath and will be there for you when you
pass out of your body and return to the spiritual realms. This Angel is unique
to you and will walk with you wherever you go and what ever you do. You are
never alone!
This is the Angel that can
bring us comfort during the dark times and help to ignite a spark of hope that
things WILL improve! If you have made choices that were not for your Highest
Good, this Angel can show you how to release those choices that you may make new
ones. Above all, this Angel knows that everything is constantly changing in our
lives and if we are open to embracing those changes, then we automatically move
into the Higher Flow where everything can be transformed.
This Angel is our cheerleader
when we decide to embark on a heart felt quest or dream. He/she applauds our
successes, helps us to find solutions to problems, move through obstacles, and
affirms to us that we can manifest anything that we desire if we are willing to
move towards it with an open heart and mind! This Angel also works hard to
remind us that we are each of us totally unique and therefore we must follow our
own inner guidance and believe in what our hearts are telling us, no matter how
improbable these things we are dreaming may seem. Each day is a brand new start
in our lives and whether we feel we have failed or succeeded in the past, this
day is totally new, we shall never have another exactly like it again. It is
open for us to paint any pictures we desire on its canvass. Think of yourself as
an artist presented with a multitude of choices, emotions and possibilities that
are represented by colours and brushes that you may choose to use to paint each
of your days. Some of the colours are bright and clear, others lovely shades of
pastels. There are also dark or murky colours in your palate as well. You are
free to choose from any of these colours and even to what size brush you may
care to use. You may decide to paint broad strokes of colours that are uplifting
and joyful to you. Or you may choose to use the murky colours and paint a day
that is not so positive. While your Guardian Angel will always support you in
what ever choices you make still there is the soft voice that encourages you to
choose those colours and experiences that will bring you joy, not fear or
sorrow. She/he will send you the energy of peace and love in the hopes that you
will choose the colours that best represent those things to you.
This Angel may appear to use
most strongly when we are in danger and need all the spiritual help and support
we can get! I will never forget the time I was about to cross a quiet side
street at an intersection when suddenly I felt as though someone were standing
directly in front of me, preventing me from stepping into the street. As I stood
there wondering why I was unable to move forward, a car suddenly came screeching
around the corner, the driver completely oblivious to any pedestrian traffic
even though she had a clear view of the roadway and the corner. Had I been
standing there in the street I would have been hit and at the least seriously
injured if not killed. There is no doubt in my mind to this day that it was my
own Guardian Angel that prevented me from stepping off the curb. She literally
saved my life! I have talked to many people since who also have witnessed their
own Guardian Angel acting on their behalf in this way and perhaps you have too!
The deeper meaning to this is that we all have a purpose for being here and our
Guardian Angel is there to help support us in fulfilling that purpose. When I
doubt that I have anything I can offer the world or feel my life may really be
meaningless, I think back to this and other times when my Guardian Angel stepped
in to save my life for this was not the first of such events! Obviously my own
Angel knows that there is something I still have left to do on this earth and if
you are reading this, then so do you! There is something that only I can do,
that only you can do and that only someone living half a world away can do. Your
life has purpose and meaning. It is more valuable than you may ever know while
you are in body yet there will come a day when you will see the beauty and the
light that you have shared with so many others. You will begin to see yourself
as the very precious Being that your own Guardian Angel knows you to be. Your
Guardian Angel's prayer for you is that you see yourself this way
If you are feeling depressed,
confused, wondering why your life has not been going in the way you had hoped it
would, it is time to sit down with this Angel and ask for healing and grace. Ask
for upliftment. Ask for peace and joy; ask for any good thing that you can think
of! This is the job of your Guardian Angel, to listen to your requests and
prayers, to help you move more fully into the light, to call in the support of
all the other Angels so they too may begin working on your behalf. The message
to you from your Guardian Angel at this time is that when you ask for these
things the whole of the Universe moves with you and for you to begin bringing
you what you have asked for. No prayer ever goes unanswered! Yet your Angel
would also ask that you pray as though what you have asked for has already been
given for this shows faith and an open heart! Your Angel will ask that you pray
with a sense of gratitude, knowing that what you have asked for is at hand! Ask
your Angel to help you make a list of all the words that bring you a positive
feeling and ask that the essence of these words be given to you now in this very
moment. You can have the essence of anything you desire right now, you need not
wait! And once you have accepted the essence, the full manifestation on the
physical plane must also follow.
If you are feeling frightened and unsure of
which way to turn at this time, ask your angel for signs and guideposts. Ask to
be led out of the darkness and into the light for your Angel will always be
close at hand to lead you forward! Ask for the emotions of joy and happiness,
ask for feelings of empowerment and self-confidence, ask for feelings of
spiritual courage and faith. All these and more you can have right now in this
moment. Each has the ability to turn your life around in the blink of an
If this Angel has come to you
today, He/she is asking you to become more aware of its presence, to learn to
ask for help and to lean upon its love and grace. Your own Guardian Angel wants
you to understand that your life has meaning and value far beyond what you may
understand right now. That you do have a special purpose for being here that
will bring you all that you have ever dreamed of on any level of physical
existence. You were not "meant" to be poor, afraid, depressed, confused, unlucky
or alone. These are all things that we have been taught by other human beings
who themselves were not connected with their own Angels and Guides and thus knew
not that Spirit and the Universe is a loving Universe and that only good and
abundance was meant to be the true experience of life. Your Guardian Angel at
this time seeks to show you the truth of life, the truth of yourself and guide
you back onto the Higher path that is beckoning you at this time. Take hold of
your Guardian Angel's hand and hang on tight as you are led out of the darkness!
Close your eyes right now and see yourself reaching for your Angel's hand and
see theirs clasp hold of yours firmly. Your Guardian Angel will never let go of
you. Make the commitment now to never let go of your Guardian Angel.
What to watch for with this
Angel's presence:
Intuition is often heightened
when this Angel is afoot. Especially in the moments when we feel sad, confused
or afraid, if you will dig a little deeper into yourself you will feel a sense
of peace and trust that is trying to surface. This is your Guardian Angel
telling you that by moving into this emotional space that everything truly will
be alright! This is when intuitive insights can burst forth, appropriate actions
will present themselves and you will find yourself with an abundance of
You may feel as though
someone was holding you close or a sense of being wrapped in a warm, fuzzy
blanket. Sometimes other people will literally offer you hugs or touch your arm.
I always know my own Guardian Angel is near when my youngest son offers me an
abundance of hugs throughout the day! Never discount the fact that your Guardian
Angel calls upon other people to be its messenger of love and comfort, it will
use any means possible to let you know how loved you truly are.
You may feel a deep sense of
release around a problem or situation and suddenly it all sorts itself out. This
is your Guardian Angel hard at work! Practice letting go and giving things over
to your Guardian Angel and the Universe. Your Guardian Angel is always
encouraging you to let go and allow the Higher to intervene. Practice giving
over when ever you can! If you need help with this, ask your Guardian Angel to
show you how.
You may suddenly feel a sense
of being deeply loved. This is your Angel asking you to take a moment and bask
in that love! Love heals all things and there is nothing that Love cannot
resolve or improve in your own life!
Other ways to work with this
Angel include asking for anything you desire! Ask your Guardian Angel for the
physical things that bring you joy as well as the spiritual. Ask for guidance
each morning and it shall be given. Ask for safety and protection as you drive
your children to school and it shall be given. Ask to have your fears and doubts
released from you and they shall be. Make a list of all the things that you
would like your Guardian Angel to help you with and each morning go over this
list visualizing your Guardian Angel listening attentively and offering support
and guidance. (Be sure to cross off each thing as you are helped with it. This
will also help to show you how active your Guardian Angel truly is in your life
and how quickly your Angel works! ) Hand this list to your Guardian Angel and
then go on about your day, focusing on doing those things you feel most guided
to do. You shall be amazed at what will happen and you will know beyond a shadow
of a doubt, that there is a vast, loving presence known as your Guardian Angel
that only seeks to see you prosper in all ways and in all things!
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