Angel Visions

The Fairies Where With Us! At My Angel Workshop!

I’d like to thank everyone who attended my first workshop on Angels, Devas & Fairies since the lockdown last Saturday ( 20th July 2024 ) at Stockwell Spiritualist Church. I loved your collective energies and it was a lot of fun to hold. From people’s recreations on the day a great time was had by all, especially when the Fairies joined the party!

For those who missed out on all the Angelic Creative Delights and Fairy Frolicking, there will be another chance to attend my Angel workshop on 31st August at Balham Spiritualist. Come and experience the energy and connect.

Also, it’s not just Red Bull that’s gives you wings, come to my workshops and see what can happen, especially when the Fairies join the fun!

By the way, the Fairies definitely made their presence felt in the afternoon. When you get the giggles all of sudden in a light, unexpected and uncontrollable manner, it’s often a sign that our frivolous friends are nearby and ready to work and play with us.


Bro Jeorge ( The Fairy Whisperer )

With Happy Attendee Loretta, she had to leave slightly early, but still had a great fun. 

With the giggling gang of 'angelic attendees' once more.

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